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Thursday, February 19, 2009

“Reporting bugs - a how-to guide”


When working with a developer or team of developers on an application – whether you are a designer working with developers or an end client hiring developers – you all want the same end result, a slick and bug free application. During the testing process of any application it is likely that some bugs or issues will show up and this article aims to explain how to report bugs and problems effectively so that your developers don’t need to spend time working out what the problem is before being able to fix it. This helps to ensure that projects stay on budget and that developers are spending their time adding features to the application rather than trying to get enough details to be able to reproduce and fix issues.

“It’s just not working!”

When you find a problem, it is very tempting to just fire off an email and presume that the developer will immediately be able to see the problem too. However, by taking a few minutes to describe the problem you have encountered accurately you can prevent any confusion occurring as to what the problem is and save both your time and the developer’s as she won’t need to get back to you to find out what actually happened, or spend a long time trying to reproduce the issue.
A good report

A good bug report tells your developer three vital things:

* What you expected to happen
* What actually happened
* What you did/were doing when it happened

What you expected to happen

There are two kinds of ‘bugs’, the first is where something breaks – you see an error message, your uploaded data disappears, you submit a form and the change isn’t saved. These bugs are generally pretty easy to report and identify as all your developer needs is to know exactly what you were doing or inputting at the time and they should be able to reproduce and fix the issue.

The second kind of bug is where the application doesn’t function as you expected. This might be because the developer has misinterpreted part of the specification or it could be that what you expect just isn’t how something can work. In this case the developer believes that it is working fine – and in fact it is ‘working’ even if it is incorrect. If your bug report is that the feature is broken, the developer may then spend time looking for some error in this part of the application when what they need to realize is that it isn’t working as you expected. By giving the information about what you expected to happen the developer can think ‘ah … you wanted it to do x and it is doing y’ and a resolution can be sorted out quickly.

What actually happened

What actually happened is very rarely ‘nothing’ yet bug reports often contain the phrase, ‘nothing happened’. If what happened was ‘nothing’ in terms of the intended result then explain that in a few more words, for example, if you clicked the submit button on a form and it didn’t submit and go onto the next page you could say,

“The form didn’t submit – it just remained on the same page.”

Or perhaps the form submitted and a blank page displayed,

“After submitting the form a blank page loaded.”

If an error message displays on the screen then include that in the report. Just copy and paste the error message.

If you use Internet Explorer then your browser may not display the error message generated by the server, instead showing a generic error page. You can ensure the IE displays the real error message by going to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced. Then scroll down to the browsing section and uncheck ‘Show Friendly HTTP error messages’.
What you were doing when it happened

Your developer wants to know this information – not because they want to tell you that you were doing something wrong, but because it is highly likely that the bug occurs only when a certain path of actions is followed, or when a certain type of data is entered. The more information you can give your developer the easier it will be for them to reproduce the problem you saw and fix it. Things you should include:

The steps taken

List exactly what you did, in the order you did it if possible. If you can go back and try the same steps again and the problem happens again that is great – note down exactly how you made the problem occur. Your developer will be pleased as you have just saved her time trying to reproduce the issue. Even if you can’t reproduce it, no-one is going to doubt that the problem happened – just describe as much as you can remember how you got to the broken point.

Any data you were entering

If the problem happened after you added some data to a form, include the data with the bug report. If you were uploading something such as an image into the application then include that too.

It may also be helpful to copy and paste the URL out of the address bar of the browser so the developer knows exactly which page you were on at the time.

The browser and operating system you were using at the time

With web applications problems may only be occurring in one browser. Let your developer know exactly what you are using – including the version number - so they can create the same environment to test the problem.

Effective bug reporting can make a huge difference in how quickly problems can be resolved, and prevent frustration on both sides of the process. Including the above information, even if it doesn’t seem relevant, will be appreciated by the developer. You don’t need to write an essay, just a few clear lines explaining the key information of:

* what you expected to happen
* what actually happened and,
* what you did/were doing when it happened.

This will be enough to isolate all but the most complicated of issues, and once an issue can be reproduced it is well on its way to being fixed.

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